Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Assets and Liabilities

Wipe our Debt
Wipe our Debt (Photo credit: Images_of_Money)

You probably came to this page because you were trying to find a Pennsylvania bad credit car loan. And, while it’s certainly possible to get a car loan with bad credit, that’s not the real root of your issue. The real root is that you are likely in debt, and you likely need to get out of it as quickly as possible.

Getting out of debt is not easy, but one simple strategy can make it somewhat easier. Sit down and create a list--actually, two lists. One list should include all of your financial assets, meaning all of the things you have going for you financially speaking. Think of things that you could easily sell to bring in cash money, of savings accounts, or anything else positive.

Then, make a list of your liabilities, or in simple terms, the money you owe. Compare the assets and the liabilities, and, if you find you owe more than you have, start working toward making that owed amount a little bit smaller week by week. Each week, come up with a new strategy to reduce that owed number, even if it’s just by a couple of dollars.

Not only will you see debt start to dwindle, but you’ll also stay super aware and on top of your finances, and that- knowing what you’re spending and choosing not to spend beyond your means- is what you’ll truly gain from this strategy.

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